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More than just a bouquet...

These days a bridal bouquet can be simple and elegant, bustling with blooms and foliage or completely replaced by something a little more unique such as lanterns, pin wheels, umbrellas or balloons! More often than not, the bridal bouquet is an opportunity for expression! An expression of the couples individual personality and style, a symbol of the uniqueness of their relationship, prompting guests to exclaim familiar phrases we have all heard such as "Wow, that is very them!" But before modern expression, why did brides carry bouquets?

One of many answers to this question came to me during an evening 'ghost tour' while strolling through one of the old quarters of London City. We were stopped outside the ruins of an old cathedral, where lavender bushes appeared to be growing around the edge of the excavated area. Our guide told us a little about the man who had built himself this stately home, with cathedral attached, and the procession of weddings that may have followed it's completion.

Gesturing to the lavender he proceeded to explain to us that weddings in the 15th Century were mostly conducted in the month of June! Why? During the 15th century, living conditions in European cities were poorly in a sense that everything was very... odorous! Waste was thrown straight from windows on to cobble stone streets and left to wash away, sickness and decay hung on the air and opportunities for bathing were few and far between. According to Huffington Post, "most people got married in the month of June because they took their yearly baths in May and didn’t smell too bad a mere month later, the time it took back then to plan a wedding." Seems like a reasonable idea! But for those brides who weren't willing to take the risk of frightening their husband to be away with their month old odor, (what seems like a blip of time since their annual bath,) carrying a beautiful smelling bouquet of fresh flowers and herbs was another way of disguise anything unpleasant! Think of the 15th century bridal bouquet as that modern day spritz of perfume you pop on at the last minute, what some brides may refer to as their 'wedding scent'! So I think we need to take a moment of appreciation for the June brides of the 15th Century for getting the ball rolling on all of these beautiful perfumes that you can buy this day! As for the gentleman of the 15th Century, what did he carry to prevent odors from his infrequent bathing? Nothing! Why? Because on the day BEFORE his wedding he gets his own, relaxing bath in preparation for the big day! Lucky him!

Fortunately for us this tradition is no more! The new tradition? The bouquet as an opportunity for the bride and groom to uniquely express themselves, their personalities and their love. I know which one I prefer! xoxox Bonnie

Bouquet image: Featured on Hello May

Flowers by: Flowers Popeas Flowers

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